2025 BSS Spring National Field Trial

April 10-12, 2025
Hunt Location: Camden, SC

Entry information will be posted after January 20, 2025

**PLEASE NOTE: Puppies may only be handled by their registered owner or immediate family member
*Owner and Handler MUST be a BSS Member
*BSR#: Please enter your dog(s)'s BRS# under their information page. (You will notice a new BSR# section right above the owner information section.)

By entering this event you agree not to hold the BSS or the landowner(s) responsible for loss of property, damage, or injury incurred during this event. The BSS is not responsible for loss, accident, or theft and further assume no responsibility for any damage or injury sustained by the handlers or to any of their dogs or property and further assume no responsibility for injury to children not under the control of their parents or guardians. You give the BSS the right to publish the results and photos as the entity with rights to the event and agree to have results published in any and all BSS media outlets.