Pedigree (Family Tree)

To order a Boykin Spaniel Society five (5) generation pedigree for your dog, please mail a $70 check or money order with note requesting the pedigree. Please include the dog's BSS registration number, the registered owner's name and mailing address. Mail your request to the Society office at the address below:
Boykin Spaniel Society
RE: Pedigree Request
P.O. Box 70
Rembert, SC 29128
Please include your dog's name, owner's name and BSR# for your dog when requesting a pedigree. Pedigrees can only be requested and issued to the dog owner.
For Federal Express or United Parcel Service (UPS), use 54 Stockton Road Rembert, SC 29128.
Alternatively, you can complete the form provided and proceed to submit your payment online.