Complete the application and mail with the appropriate membership fee to the address below:
P.O. Box 70
Rembert, SC 29128
Regular Annual Membership $35.00
Benefits of Society membership include:
(1) Receive full color quarterly Magazines and any other publications by the Boykin Spaniel Society®.
(2) Participate in Society sanctioned events with your Boykin Spaniel Society® registered dog
(3) Apply for certain health examination rebates through the Boykin Spaniel Foundation
(4) Opportunity to serve as a Director and/or on committees as provided for in Bylaws.
(5) Participate in the election of members of the Board of Directors.
(6) Vote on other matters designated by the Board of Directors.
(7) Attend membership meetings and submit proposals for consideration by the Board of Directors either in writing or by requesting to appear before the Board of Directors.
(8) Support of the organization started by the Boykin family in order to preserve and protect the dogs we love so much.
New or Renewal Membership Application
Pay for your Membership Using PayPal. Choose your membership option below.
*Online Memberships are processed on Wednesday and Thursday. A confirmation email will be sent once office staff have processed the new/renewal.